Spanish conversation course online

These sessions are by far the best way to improve your real spoken Spanish and listening abilities, and get to a level where you can use it in real life situations.

Our Spanish conversation classes, that are made for each student individually, will be at your level, studying what you need and what interests you.

These classes easily motivate students to use language creatively through role-plays, conversation starters, problem-solving tasks and content-based activities.
Students practice key language functions such as persuading, obtaining information, responding to requests, expressing preferences and giving commands.
Numerous authentic documents, photographs, illustrations, and readings throughout the text provide points of departure for discussion, debate and cross-cultural comparison.

If you would like to have some grammar with your conversation, we also can do that. Remember that these classes are tailor-made!
Our Spanish conversation lessons are 90 minutes long once every week by skype or Google HangOut

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